6:26 AM


Posted by Manda |

This is more or less what my face looks like today. And much like Greg, I can't play either. Or eat a hamburger. I can't remember if I posted my age or not - if I didn't, this next statement will certainly date me. I had all four wisdom teeth cut out yesterday, so I'll be off of work until Monday (yippee!). My dear husband-to-be is doing a wonderful job taking care of me, though, so I'm not left wanting, except for aforementioned hamburger (and I never crave hamburgers, it must just be because I can't eat anything solid). J's mom also fixed me up with some delicious homemeade chicken noodle soup, she even took care to chop the chicken extra small so I could eat it without chewing. I'm blessed to be marrying into a family that loves me very much.

The break from work is also a welcome one - although I'm struggling financially like most other middle-class Americans and could use the money, I needed a brief respite from that world. The restaurant isn't doing so well right now, another victim of the tanking economy, and going into a place that doesn't always have what I need to do my job successfully can be stressful. I always find myself taking a personal interest in my workplace, I try to treat it as if I have more vested in it than just a paycheck. I've become particularly attached to the owner of the business and his girlfriend, who helps him run it, and although I know the smarter thing to do would have been to find a more stable employer, I wanted to see them succeed, so I stuck around longer than I should have. It's gotten to the point that I have to find something else, though - I'm taking home less than a third of my earning potential, and we're suffering for it. If it were just me, I'd try to stick with them a little longer, but it isn't. And I can't.

I'm not sure what it'll take to turn the economy around, but I am certain it doesn't involve multimillion dollar bonuses to banking execs with money intended as a 'bailout'.

Okay, I think the Percocet's making me ramble at this point, so I'll cut this short(ish).

Hope everyone's having a good day - if you eat out, today, tip your waitress a little extra for me.



*mary* said...

Hmmm, I'd guess, if I had to, that you are around 19-21 years old? Somewhere in there?
One good thing is getting those wisdom teeth out of the way now. I had my top ones removed but the bottom are still there! Impacted. And now, at the OLD age of 31 (as of two weeks ago) they act as though my whole skeletal system may simply crumble if I get them removed now, at my advanced age and all. Lol.
Well, at least I have those senior discounts to look forward to!

*mary* said...

Totally off-topic, but I just read that Rasputina (Google them if you don't know them!) are lacking a cellist and I thought about you. That would be so cool.
Okay, enough trying to get you to join a classic instrument all-female rock band just so I can live vicariously through you. Lol.
(But you should totally consider it!)

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